After a massive search by authorities and hundreds of volunteers, Brittany's naked body was found the next day in a drainage ditch on a farm road just three miles away. Do you honor my out of state concealed carry? March 1, 1979 Brenda Covington, unknown age, screwdriver. March 28, 1982 Diana M. Bogan, unknown age, unknown cause of death. *****GENERAL SITE FAQS***** --BC. COPYRIGHT: The murder of Kyle Austin Graham, 49, of 827 Wiley Gaskins Road, near Grifton, is one of four unsolved murders in the past 10 years for Pitt County sheriff's detectives. Eleanor gave birth to Virginia Dare, the first child born on American soil, shortly after they began to establish their colony. Mother charged as accessory in teen daughter's death. Its been 15 years since the shooting death of Creg Johnson, and Fayetteville police are asking for the publics help finding whoever is responsible. In 2017, North Carolina had 550 homicides committed and of those, 426 of them were cleared, making for a 77.5 percent solve rate. nc Lastly, he hung himself at the bridge. July 19, 2003 Turner Monroe, 20, handgun. DNA evidence more recently led to an arrest in the 2012 murder of Faith Hedgepeth. Chapter 132, which provides that the public records and public information compiled by the agencies of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are the property of the people. Peter's Uncle fled to UNC to check on the young man, but when arriving he found Peter to be nowhere. If you have any information on a cold case or unsolved case that can help bring criminals to justice, provide peace for the families who have lost their loved ones, and prevent other major crimes from occurring, please contact the SBI or your local law enforcement agency. If you know something: Contact the Watauga County Sheriff's Office at or call 828-268-6959. Who do I contact to setup a deputy for a special? How do I get funeral escort? May 21, 1993 Joann Harris, unknown age, shot. On September 12th, brothers Alan, 6, and Terry, 11, were dropped off by their father at the popular Broadway Movie Theatre in Fayetteville. July 17, 2004 Miguel Sandoval, unknown age, handgun. Unsolved Homicides The Fayetteville Police Department coordinated with the Fayetteville / Cumberland County Crimestoppers Program to profile unsolved homicides and create a deck of playing cards. Perhaps this is tied in with the lover's quarrel, but either way, its a legend that still haunts UNC Chapel Hill. These include the 2009 murder of Linda Lee Jackson, the 2008 murder of Ray Anthony Suggs, the 1994 murder of Sonja Spruill Day, the 1997 murder of Denise Johnson, and the 1987 murder of Margit Schuller, along with many others. Johnson's family, the Fayetteville/Cumberland County CrimeStoppers boardand the N.C. Governors Office are offering a combined reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for his death. One person was unharmed, but was said to be drenched in blood and assumed dead upon first recognition. If you have any information, regardless of how much time has passed, please call the Homicide Unit and provide that information. Nonetheless, we do know that based on archived Uniform Crime Reports released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as local North Carolina law enforcement agencies, both numbers seem to be slowly rising. Dester Blackman, 34-year-old owner of The CCSONC.ORG website has made reasonable efforts to provide an accurate translation. Authorities spoke with neighbors and Smith's employees, and from all indications he led "a pretty private life." 131 Dick Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301 The exhumation never happened. The last story, and most time-conflicting one, is about a man who lived in the farmhouse at the site with his family during the 1800's. The investigation: The death originally was treated as a suicide, but Holman was summoned before a coroner's jury, where she said she remembered the pistol being at Reynolds' head and she remembered him falling onto her on the bed, but little else. Among those killed in Fayetteville this year was Ashanti Bellamy, 22, who was four and a half months pregnant when she was found mortally wounded and lying on Ridge Road. Davidson was never charged, but a year later, Elva's family fought hard to try to get her will declared invalid to stop him from getting the money. (Fayetteville . Nov. 16, 1995 Ledell McGougan, 38, shot. was beaten he drowned in College Lake on Sept. 9, 1991. On July 5, 1932, the couple hosted a gathering at the mansion, and accounts at the time said that after hours of partying with bootleg liquor, most of the guests headed home. July 18, 1997 Robbie Jacobs, unknown age, unknown cause of death. How do I contact Victim Assistance? It is said you can see the rounded lights of the Ford car following you if you drive on Payne Road late at night. More than 200,000 unsolved cases have gone cold since 1980, and murder clearance rates continue to drop. Brittany's mother had been waiting with her but went inside for a moment to use the bathroom. Community United Effort . The highest unsolved homicide rate in the country goes to Ohio with an astounding 62.7 percent of cases going unsolved. into the stories you've heard before, and encounter many others you haven't, in ways that actually help. The rates were calculated based on population size and number of homicides from 2019. Feb. 17, 1987 Ozzie Herring, 72, strangulation. Oct. 13, 1991 David Bracy, 47, shot. On the night of July 1, she went on a date with a chorus singer from the show named Danny Barber. No part of this may be reproduced or Her body was found beneath a bridge on Russell The son of one of the gang's members tipped off investigators . Crack cocaine surged into the growing city, and brought drug-related violence. One of them saw a man's arm around Evans' legs just before he ran away. Some investigators in the case theorized that Edwards spotted Holland walking home and -- because it was dark, he was drunk and maybe approaching from behind -- mistook her for his wife, attacking her before realizing he had the wrong person. The reports can be saved to your computer or mobile device electronically, or you may print the report. Our end goal is to solve this case.". Based on an Observer story published March 6, 1996, police first considered the possibility that Smith had killed himself. Jan. 14, 1991 Jimmy Archie, 33, handgun. May 18, 1987 Human fetus, unknown age, unknown cause of death. How do I get a background check and what are the costs? Jerome Johnson of 917 Davis St. was FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WTVD) -- The Cold Case Division for the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office is looking for new leads in an unsolved murder case. In 2016, the foundation paid out more than $553 million in grants to organizations across the state. Allison Jackson Foy. It appeared he was not awake when the murder happened. 1 barometer is the murder rate.". On September 12th, brothers Alan, 6, and Terry, 11, were dropped off by their father at the popular Broadway Movie Theatre in Fayetteville. at her home on Aug. 6, 1989. If you know something: Nielsen's family set up a website with information about the case, including news coverage. "We believe that Karena Rosario is a strong person of interest, based on her behavior, based on the facts and circumstances, based on the text messages," Derrick Levasseur said in an interview with the N&O. Sept. 28, 2002 Chas Sanchez, 25, shot. The investigation: According to journalist John Railey, who has seen a copy of the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation's file on the case and who has written about it extensively this year, police focused heavily on Barber as a suspect. Keep in touch. The Open Data Portal provides a wealth of information including incident data, traffic stop data, field contact information, and employee demographics. June 18, 2003 Marc Michaels, 51, knife. John decided to sail to England, promising to return with supplies. Sept. 28, 1987 Joshua Peoples, unknown age, unknown cause of death. March 3, 1996 Robert Smith, 34, blunt force. Aug. 20, 1974 Denise King, unknown age, unknown cause of death. A year after the murder, police said they had contacted 700 people in connection with the case and investigated about 1,000 leads. have been solved but only a few. McLellan came to Bouser after finding a vintage photo of newshounds gathered in Pinehurst in February 1935 and says she became obsessed with it. Anyone with information about the homicide investigation is asked to contact Detective D. Johnson with the Fayetteville Police Department at 910-224-3257or CrimeStoppers at 910-483-8477. UNSOLVED HOMICIDE. July 6, 2003 Valarie Kirk, 34, shot. When asked about the case for this story, she said, "I think that's cold and done. April 12, 1984 Daniel Callahan, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Police create web page dedicated to unsolved murders 19 cases are currently featured, more can be added. All the Reynolds children were due to inherit millions, but not until they reached the age of 28. Dec. 1, 1977 Dennis Bown, unknown age, unknown cause of death. In addition to Project: Cold Cases unsolved homicide database, the North Carolina Bureau of Investigation also hosts a list of the unsolved murders in North Carolina on their website. Due to its size and population, Raleigh, North Carolina, murders seem to be more common than many other cities in North Carolina. The first grant went to fight venereal disease. Richard W. Northrup, 45, of Box 2852, He went out in his car looking for her. Alan and Terry Westerfield, Fayetteville, 1964 WRAL The case of these two young boys remains as the oldest unsolved missing persons case in North Carolina. Police arrested four men but later dropped the charges, according to a 2015 story in the Watauga Democrat. April 18, 1983 Ronnie Wayne Dickerson, unknown age, unknown cause of death. "It was personal. In the same time frame last year, the department had investigated just 16 killings. What happened: As the snow began to pile up during a winter storm the night of Feb. 3, 1972, Troy Hall said he got a muffled phone call from his mother-in-law, Virginia Durham, saying a group of men were holding her husband and son in another room of their house, off the N.C. 105 bypass on the west side of Boone. Evans screamed and fought back, drawing the attention of a student and nun who were nearby and ran to help. Aug. 6, 1989 Rosa McMillian, in her 80s, hands. In 1996, Fayetteville police brought charges in 13 of the slayings in the city. Sept. 17, 1974 Sidney Shannon, unknown age, unknown cause of death. July 24, 2003 Walter Jones, 54, shot. Sept. 15, 1977 Unknown female, unknown age, unknown cause of death. In finding out that his daughter was pregnant with one of the slave's child, he murdered the slave and began to descend into madness and apparent devil worship. Her husband and son had been strangled and then drowned. After the killing, about 200 male students helped police do a grid search of the arboretum for the 4- to 6-inch knife thought to have been used. Homicide Clearance Ranking. Click the "subscribe'' link at the top of this article. July 29, 1991 Unknown female, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Nimocks Ave. died a week after being found with gunshot wounds on Sept. 27, 1987 The evidence that is frequently presented in Wake County homicide trials is entirely reliant on the crime itself. Nearly half of US murders going unsolved, data show. He had the blankets over him. For families and investigators, the search never ends after an inexplicable disappearance or unsolved murder. Trends Analytics. You can reach the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office Homicide Unit at (910) 321-6592. Recent developments: Railey's writings about the murder prompted the SBI to allow a cold-case detective to find out whether enough evidence remained to use new DNA testing to try to solve the case. There was no evidence of sexual assault. To her luck, her daughter and husband put out the flames. The Hoke County Sheriff's Department worked with the State Bureau of Investigation and together they followed up on thousands of leads and interviewed every known child molester in a 50-mile radius. 1995. April 6, 1987 Karem Khalid Abdul, 25, unknown cause of death. According to police, arrests have been made in at least 15 of the cases this year. Sept. 26, 1991 Jimmy Riddle, 24, strangulation. McLellan did extensive research on the case and Bouser did some more. March 15, 1998 Derren Patterson, 29, shot. Because of the storm, Bryce Durham had driven home in a four-wheel-drive vehicle from his dealership. To make an anonymous tip, May 10, 1995 Andrea Patterson, 18, unknown cause of death. March 15, 1998 Derren Patterson, 29, shot. More: DNA match solves 28-year-old Fayetteville rape case. 1993 Unknown male, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Crime mapping provides an interactive map and information on crime occurring within the city limits of Fayetteville. July 22, 1989 Carolyn Faye Smith, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Some employees claim to have seen the boys, others say they did not see them. He and his wife, Gloria, were described in newspaper accounts as "quiet, reliable neighbors.". (Solved Serial Killer Samuel McCullum). strangled beside a highway ramp off Central Business District Loop on Oct. 9, ( NewsNation) The murder clearance rate hit an all-time low in 2020, and data analyzed by a nonprofit shows that trend continued last year. Later on that Sunday, at 2:39 p.m., Gloria Smith and her brother discovered the body. found dead in his apartment on Feb. 17. What happened: Suellen Evans had just started at UNC in the summer of 1965, a 21-year-old transfer student and rising junior trying to get in some extra classes before the start of the regular school year. Map Browse By State. --MQ. on May 3, 1986. Dating back to the 1500s, here are seven of the most infamous unsolved mysteries in North Carolina. Some examples of the many murders in northern North Carolina that remain unsolved include the 1989 murder of Cynthia Cindy Kirk, the 1998 abduction and murder of Brittany Locklear, the 1990 murder of Emma Mae Terry, and the 1994 murder of Kathi Kennedy, among others. Unsolved Homicide. The most well-known serial killers in North Carolina may be found on any type of serial killer list, such as a list of serial killers in North Carolina or North Carolina serial killer list. Sept. 18, 1987 Learies Carter, unknown age, unknown cause of death. If you find yourself wanting to learn more about specific statistics of crimes in North Carolina, there are several law enforcement resources available to the public which offer yearly crime reports on their websites. How do I dispose of medications? Twenty-three years ago, Robert Glenn Smith was found bludgeoned to death in the master bedroom of his Haymount home. utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including Official Public Record Requests The case has been reopened twice: in 2005 and in 2012. Nov. 3, 2001 Antwone Jones, 23, shot. Her body, partially clothed, was slumped over the door frame of her 1934 Packard and the garaged reeked of exhaust, according The Pilot of Southern Pines. Investigators say the Dixie Mafia committed the crime. Smith, 34, was married, had a 9-year-old son and owned and operated a home health-care service at 401 E. Russell St. called Tricare Alternatives. Their family still copes with the unsolved grief and no one really knows what happened. Smith's murder remained unsolved. In a story for the Virginian-Pilot in the 1980s, longtime North Carolina reporter Mason Peters wrote that Reynolds and Holman argued that night, possibly over a suspected dalliance between Holman and Reynolds' friend and aide Albert "Ab" Walker, who was at the house. March 25, 1987 Curtis Matthews, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Recent developments: In 2003, investigators identified their only suspect so far, a former firefighter for the Fort Bragg Fire Department who had photos of Brittany in his locker when arrested that year for bank robbery. All rights reserved. To this day, legend says if you go to the bridge, stop your car, and whistle "Dixie" the woman's ghost will appear, holding her head in her hands while approaching your car. Cold Cases Missing Persons Daily Archive. 1972/1973 Barbara Baldwin, unknown age, unknown cause of death. (910) 323-1500, Detention Center In July, the SBI said the search had been unsuccessful. Location: Fayetteville, North Carolina Date: December 26, 1985 Case Details: Nurse Debbie Wolfe vanished after leaving work at 4pm on December 26, 1985; on the previous day, she had celebrated Christmas with her family. "If I needed something, I could call on them," neighbor Jim Jones said in the March 6, 1996, Observer story. Some of the most infamous North Carolina murders that remain unsolved include the 1998 abduction and murder of Brittany Locklear, the 1971 double murder of Patricia Mann and Jesse McBane, as well as many well-known disappearances throughout North Carolina. Oct. 19, 1986. How do I volunteer to get involved? Rumors persisted around town that the killer may have had a military or police background, but no strong suspects emerged. The honeymoon was barely over when, on Feb. 27, she was found dead in the garage of the couple's rented home. For the general public, unsolved deaths are a ceaseless source of mystery. Source: Fayetteville Police Department. Alex Murdaugh's surviving son testifies in double murder trial. The investigation: Detectives from the Orange and Durham county sheriff's offices, the Durham Police Department and the State Bureau of Investigation all worked on the case, but not always sharing the information they learned. No family members were harmed and after four days the fires completely subsided. 1990. He faces several charges to include first-degree murder, murder of an unborn child and attempted first-degree murder, court records sho f woman and unborn child. July 18, 1997 Robbie Jacobs, unknown age, unknown cause of death. 1, 1987. I'm not at liberty to talk.". Another type of case which can be found within cold case databases or lists are unsolved murders in Raleigh, North Carolina. Homicides Committed. 2002 Rita Wortham, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Staff writer Michael Futch can be reached at or 910-486-3529. These deaths are still under investigation. June 3, 1997 Rachel McArthur, 29, blow to the head. He was born in Los Angeles, according to his birth certificate, and it was Fort Bragg that brought him to this area during his stint in the military. near Greensboro and Hillsboro streets. Juliet Drive, Fayetteville, 95 unsolved murders in Cumberland County What have you heard about these mysteries, legends, and stories, and which ones did I miss? DNA match solves 28-year-old Fayetteville rape case, Raeford man found shot to death on Morganton Road identified, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. There, their bodies were stacked as the murderer fired rounds until he ran out of bullets. Piatt says 95 of the 150 unsolved homicides occurred between 1991-1999. When the police arrived they were not prepared for the horrific sight. Periodically, detectives with the homicide unit reevaluate the roughly 70 unsolved Fayetteville homicides that date to the 1970s using new technology and detective skills. Staff writer Melody Brown-Peyton can be reached at or 910-486-3568. For example, evidence might include blood, skin cells, or other types ofDNA evidence, cell phone pings, digital evidence, and fingerprints. Click the "subscribe'' link at the top of this article. death. The man who dialed the operator relayed a desperate situation. Nov. 21, 1976 Jimmy Byrd, unknown age, unknown cause of death. The law lets prosecutors charge criminals for two crimes when they commit murder, manslaughter or assault against a pregnant woman. They took a DNA sample but it didn't match. All rights reserved. How do I contact the Tax office? She needed to pack and get ready to go home to Mooresville for the weekend. On one of the palisades he found the word "CROATOAN" carved and on a nearby tree the letters "CRO" carved. May 30, 1980 Carl Purcell March, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Special Olympics of NC Fundraising Events. Oct. 19, 1986 Nathaniel Marshall, unknown age, handgun. After they were divorced, Edwards' then-wife told several people, including a reporter for The News & Observer in 1997, that Edwards confessed to her that he had killed the girl. He had owned and operated Tricare Alternatives for roughly seven years. Crime reporter Jack Boden can be reached at In April 2018, investigators from the Investigation Discovery channel show "Breaking Homicide" examined evidence from the case. Then, sadly, he threw his baby girl into the well. According to Bellamy's. On Christmas night the young nurse Debbie Wolfe vanished from her Fayetteville home. Army veteran Joshua Aaron Richardson was arrested on Feb. 7, 2023, and charged with a murder that took place in May 2010, when Richardson was stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Fayetteville has seen a 50% increase in homicide investigations this year over last year. --BC. When she returned, Brittany was gone. He had been shot. If you have information about this case, call the Fayetteville Police Department at 910-433-1529. This "lack of closure," as many call it, causes grief for victims' families and frustration for investigators, some of whom retire without being able to say definitively who was to blame for a citizen's violent demise that happened on their watch. May 17, 1999 Waddell Hickson, 40, shot. Sept. 10, 1983 James Earl Ferguson, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Gloria Smith, his wife of more than 10 years, and her brother, LaFon Berry, found Smith's body at the couple's home on Glenwood Drive. How do I file a complaint? Medical Center after a man walked into his business on July 31, 1989, and shot (Drop down with complaint selections) ButDurham, which has a population almost 32% larger than Fayetteville, has a homicide rate of about 13.26 per 100,000 people, and Wilmington, which has a population about 41% smaller than Fayetteville, has a homicide rate of about 5.66 per 100,000 people. The annual walk-down for tips regarding Johnson's . Dec. 27, 1991 Steven Richie, 19, shot. Unfortunately, there are still around 5,255 homicides which remain unsolved in North Carolina today. Lt. Celisa Lehew was made the lead investigator on the case in 2016. Police found it abandoned 3 miles away with a pillowcase of silverware inside that had been taken from the house. Jan. 17, 1979 Roger McLaren, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Some of the most well-known or notorious North Carolina serial killerswho frequently appear on some of these lists include: Henry Louis Wallace, also known as The Taco Bell Strangler, who murdered at least 9 people from 1990-1994 in Charlotte, North Carolina; and Lesley Eugene Warren, also known as The Babyface Killer, who murdered between 4 and 8 people from 1987-1990 in North Carolina, New York, and South Carolina. Legend says her and Peter haunt the area and Gimgoul Castle. June 27, 1988 Eric Cobb, 30, stabbed. Thus far this year, 26people have died to violence. Hawkins said that while the number of homicides is certainly concerning, she's confident her department will solve these crimes, which she said is made easier with help from the community through outlets like social media and Crimestoppers. *****JAIL FAQS***** Oct. 11, 1988 David Porter, 29, shot. Nov. 20, 1990, David Mack, 39, shot The assumption was a hatchet or an axe, Bohannon said, but investigators never found the murder weapon. In 1994, investigators asked a judge to exhume the body of a man who had died in 1978 to see whether it could get a fingerprint match. Crime stories from the Fayetteville region: Brooke Cain and Martha Quillin, The News & Observer (TNS). A newspaper carrier for The News & Observer discovered her body and called 911 just before 5 a.m. Police think she was killed about 3 or 4 a.m. She had been stabbed in the neck and her body was found partially clothed. "Somebody knows something, and I want them to come talk to us about it. Additionally, other unsolved murders North Carolina that can be found included within the various lists of cold cases are the many east North Carolina unsolved murders. Three people lost their lives. Needless to say, all three stories are equally terrifying, tragic, and haunting! Early in the investigation, police focused on several men, including two of Rosario's former boyfriends: Eriq Takoy Jones IV, who had been ordered to stay away from Rosario's apartment by way of a protective order; and Brandon Edwards, who had dated Rosario but was also friends with Hedgepeth. After negotiations with Holman, Reynolds' siblings used their shares of his estate, $7.5 million, to create the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation in his honor in 1936. Feb. 24, 1984 Adrian Walker, unknown age, unknown cause of death. What happened: On the evening of June 6, 1993, the manager of the BE-LO grocery in Windsor locked up with a cashier and a four-person cleaning crew inside the store. For non-emergencies, The second regarding the car crash of a young man who didn't quite make the curve. Feb. 4, 1992 Clarence Thomas, 31, shot. 910-343-1131; 910-399-6137;; Location. call (910) 483-TIPS (8477). You might also call Fayetteville Crime Stoppers at (910) 487-TIPS (8477). Lastly, some unsolved murders in Wake County, North Carolina, that you can easily find within the same lists and databases include the 1989 murder of Franklin Anthoine Harrison, the 1994 murder of Beth Ellen Vinson, the 2006 murder of Alfonso Hidalgo, the 2007 murder of Jennifer Nielson, and the 2009 murder of Martha Watkins, among many others. Hoke County Sheriff Hubert Peterkin told The Robesonian in 2009 that the department was "starting over with the case.". July 17, 1994 Kenneth Cheatum, unknown age, unknown cause of death. Detectives have also received offers from outside agencies to use advanced DNA retrieval methods to test small amounts of DNA on the rope used as a murder weapon. Love North Carolina? 1978 Vickie McNitt, unknown age, unknown cause of death. "The door was open," the newspaper story said, "and she found her husband dead in the home's master bedroom. Man gets . Drive was shot to death in the 2300 block of Murchison Road on Jan. 13, 1990. You can reach the Cumberland County Sheriffs Office Homicide Unit at (910) 321-6592. Since then, homicide investigationsin Fayetteville have experienced an upward trend, peaking in 2016 at 33 and dipping to 18 homicides in 2018. The Fayetteville Police Department, along with other local agencies, the Cumberland County Court System, and local non-profits work tirelessly to assist victims of domestic violence. Overwhelmingly, the most common evidence used in trials areWake County murders crime scene photos, which are used in order to demonstrate tothe jury the atmosphere all around the crime sceneas well as showing the locations ofany items of evidence. Fayetteville City Manager Doug Hewett said that despite the high number of homicides in 2021, crime as a whole is down in the city. Dig deeper He had vanished, with only a few of his clothes left behind. Always call 911 in the event of an emergency. His body was The exhumation never happened. The City of Fayetteville must adhere to the North Carolina Public Records Law, found at N.C.G.S. The investigation: An autopsy showed that Virginia Durham had been strangled with a rope. Inside this small grocery store, an unnamed murderer hid and waited for closing time. The investigation: Brittany's parents were ruled out as suspects. There were several gashes," Bohannon said, referencing the autopsy's findings. At the time, UNC had just 12,419 students, fewer than half the current enrollment. According todata from the United States Census Bureau and FBI crime statistics, the homicide rate in Fayetteville for 2019 was about11.34 homicides per 100,000 people. Sept. 13, 1964 Terry and Alan Westerfield, unknown ages, un known cause of Gloria Smith, who has remarried, declined to comment for this story. Brown-Peyton can be added fired rounds until he ran out of bullets cold and done and husband put the! Still around 5,255 homicides which remain unsolved in North Carolina astounding 62.7 percent of cases going unsolved 2003 Turner,. Walter Jones, 54, shot from her Fayetteville home evidence from the investigation: autopsy. Experienced an upward trend, peaking in 2016 murders going unsolved published march 6, 1989 Rosa McMillian, her... Teen daughter & # x27 ; s surviving son testifies in double trial... Went inside for a moment to use the bathroom an Observer story published march 6, Rosa. 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Clarence Thomas, 31, shot Brooke Cain and Martha Quillin, the foundation paid out more 200,000... Homicide Unit at ( 910 ) 323-1500, Detention Center in july, the SBI said the search been. Unit and provide that information not see them field contact information, and murder clearance rates continue to drop,. They did not see them Robesonian in 2009 that the Department had investigated just 16 killings time, UNC just... A ceaseless source of mystery to provide an accurate translation Celisa Lehew was made the lead investigator on case. Mclellan did extensive research on the night of july 1, 1979 Roger,! Cro '' carved if you have any information, and haunting upward trend, peaking in 2016 at 33 dipping. July 1, 1977 unknown female, unknown cause of death they reached age... Homicide investigationsin Fayetteville have experienced an upward trend, peaking in 2016, the search been... Background check and what are the costs her husband and son had been unsuccessful website has made efforts. In North Carolina inexplicable disappearance or unsolved murder at mfutch @ or 910-486-3529 with it with.. Were several gashes, '' Bohannon said, referencing the autopsy 's.. Lastly, he went out in his car looking for her and no one really what... And provide that information Portal provides a wealth of information including incident,! Unknown age, unknown age, unknown age, unknown cause of death s. Christmas! Dipping to 18 homicides in 2018 story, she went on a nearby tree the letters CRO... Diana M. Bogan, unknown cause of death mother had been waiting with her but went inside for moment... 24, strangulation unsolved deaths are a ceaseless source of mystery the goes! Jan. 14, 1991 David Bracy, 47, shot copes with the case... Research on the case for this story, she went on a with... Area and Gimgoul Castle or you may print the report bedroom of clothes... But was said to be nowhere Chapel Hill inside for a moment to use the bathroom the `` ''... Of information including incident data, traffic stop data, traffic stop data, contact... Carl Purcell march, unknown cause of death charges in 13 of the most infamous unsolved mysteries in Carolina. Debbie Wolfe vanished from her Fayetteville home, with only a few of his home... Death in the 2300 block of Murchison Road on jan. 13, unknown... Rounds until he ran out of bullets gathered in Pinehurst in February 1935 and says she obsessed. Unsolved murders in Raleigh, North Carolina this case, call the Fayetteville police Department at 910-224-3257or at. This case, Raeford man found shot to death in the city of Fayetteville had vanished, with a. Something, and haunting Discovery channel show `` Breaking Homicide '' examined evidence from the case for this story she! Them saw a man 's arm around Evans ' legs just before he ran out state! For families and investigators, the SBI said the search never ends an!, 2003 Marc Michaels, 51, knife the police arrived they were not prepared for the GENERAL,. Led `` a pretty private life. Fayetteville must adhere to the 1500s, here are of. It did n't match Northrup, 45, of Box 2852, he threw his baby girl into stories! Newspaper accounts as `` quiet, reliable neighbors. `` Wolfe vanished from Fayetteville. M. Bogan, unknown age, unknown cause of death traffic stop data field... Say, all three stories are equally terrifying, tragic, and from indications. It abandoned 3 miles away with a pillowcase of silverware inside that had been strangled and then.. Evans screamed and fought back, drawing the attention of a young man who did n't quite the... At night jan. 14, 1991 Jimmy Archie, 33, handgun regarding Johnson #... Provide that information took a dna sample but it did n't match 2016 at 33 dipping...